Eze Market Data - EMEA


A complete list of real-time quote and trade information from the European, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) markets is below. Please be aware that Eze Global Pricing applies to customers choosing more than one region. All North American exchanges fall under a single region, all EMEA exchanges fall under a single region and all Asia Pacific fall under a single region. Forex and E-Mini Equity Index contracts do not fall under any individual region, and do not count toward Global Pricing. Please note that additional data infrastructure fees may also apply.




Vienna Stock Exchange Prices quoted in Euros
WBAG Cash Market Level 1* €40.50 €2.00
WBAG Cash Market Level 1 & Level 2 €50.00 €3.00
Prague Stock Exchange
PSE Level 1 €15.50 €2.50
PSE Level 1 & Level 2 €25.50 €5.00
Euronext Choose one or more as they apply: prices quoted in Euros.
Euronext Market Indices €17.80 €1.42
Euronext Main Indices €21.65 €1.75
Euronext Cash Level 1  €78.95 €1.75
Euronext Cash BBO10 (last + indices + 5 B/A) €112.00 N/A
Euronext Cash Private Investor Package N/A €1.73
Euronext Equities & Index Derivatives BBO1 (futures & options) €37.00 €1.75
Euronext Equities & Index Derivatives BBO10(futures & options) €45.00 €45.00
Euronext Paris Commodities Derivatives BBO10 €5.25 €5.25
Euronext Commodities Derivatives BBO1 €20.00 €20.00
Euronext Commodities Derivatives BBO10 €24.00 €24.00
Deutsche Börse Choose one or more as they apply: quoted in Euros.
Deutsche Börse Indices & Xetra ETFs €11.21 €1.00
Spot Market Germany Level 1* €71.76 €4.90
Spot Market Germany Level 1 / Level 2 €86.81 €19.90
Xetra ETFs and ETPs Level 1 €4.50 €0.00
Xetra ETFs and ETPs Level 2 €5.00 €0.00
Regional Exchanges* €8.25 no charge
Eurex Level 1 N/A €4.90
Eurex Level 1 / Level 2 €59.18 €10.90
Stoxx Indices €16.21 €2.00
Volatility Indices €4.99 N/A
IBOXX European Indices €17.84 €17.84
Athens Stock Exchange Prices quoted in Euros.
ASE Level 1* €11.50 €1.00
FTSE® /Athex Indices €2.00 €2.00
Budapest Stock Exchange Prices quoted in Euros.
BSE Level I only + Indices €10.00 €1.00
Euronext Milan Prices quoted in Euros.
Euronext Milan AAF, MOT, DER Level 1 €16.55 €0.47
Euronext Milan AAF, MOT, DER Level 2 €55.15 €1.34
Euronext Milan Trading After Hours Level 1 €0.00 €0.00
Euronext Milan Trading After Hours Level 2 €0.00 €0.00
Oslo Børs Choose one: prices quoted in Norway Kroner.
OSEBX Bid/Ask/Level 1/Last Sale* N/A €1.75
OSEBX Bid/Ask/Level 1/Last Sale/Level 2 €36.00 €2.05
OMX Nordic Exchange Choose one: prices quoted in Euros.
OMX Nordic Equities Level 1 €35.60 €1.05
OMX Nordic Equities Level 1/Level 2 €87.40 €10.50
OMX Nordic Futures Level 1 NA €1.05
OMX Nordic Futures Level 1/Level 2 €35.60 €5.25
EuroVAB™ €0.00 €0.00
Turquoise Level 1 £7.23 £7.23
Turquoise Level 2 £14.46 £14.46
Warsaw Stock Exchange
WSE Bid/Ask, Last Sale + Indices 214.70 PLN 88.00 PLN
Bolsa Madrid
Level 1 €3.50 €3.50
Level 1 Plus €35.00 €4.50
Level 2 €62.00 €15.00
Indices €6.49 €6.49
MEFF Equity / Fixed Income Futures & Options Level 1 €16.22 €2.00
MEFF Equity / Fixed Income Futures & Options Level 2 €24.88 €3.00
SWX Europe Limited Choose one: quoted in Swiss Francs.
SWX Europe Bid/Ask/Level 1/Last Sale* SFr:30.00 SFr:6.00
SWX Europe Bid/Ask/Level 1/Last Sale/Level2 SFr:90.00 SFr:90.00
SWX Scoach Switzerland SFr:20.50 SFr:20.50
ICE Futures, Europe
ICE Endex Level 2 $130.00 $130.00
Commodities $130.00 $130.00
Financials $112.00 $112.00
London Metal Exchange
LME Level 1/ Level 2 $94.00 $94.00
London Stock Exchange Choose one: prices quoted in British Pounds.
UK Securities Level* 1 ₤49.37 ₤4.10
UK Securities Level 1/Level 2 ₤180.40 ₤6.00
International Level 1 ₤27.12 ₤2.05
International Order Book (IOB) Level 1/Level 2 ₤97.90 ₤4.10
London Stock Exchange is not available in Ultralite
CBOE Europe
Cboe Eur BXE/CXE (UK) L1 £15.00 £15.00
Cboe Eur BXE/CXE (UK) L2 £30.00 £30.00
Cboe Eur DXE (NL) L1 €30.00 €30.00
Cboe Eur DXE (NL) L2 €65.00 €65.00
*Data Infrastructure Fees for access to BATS EU information will apply.
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)
Equities Level 1 $50.05 $12.85
Equities Level 1/2 $69.46 $18.21
Indices $15.47 $4.41
Futures $19.82     -
Irish Stock Exchange Prices quoted in Euros
Irish Stock Exchange Level 2 €23.25 €23.25
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Level 1/Level 2 $50.00 $50.00